
3 pfennig, Wismar, Gustav IV Adolf, 1799

The last Swedish minting of coins in Wismar in present-day Germany took place in 1799. The denomination was 3 pfennig, a copper coin, on which there is nothing to indicate that the coin was struck for the Swedish sovereign.

The obverse (front) shows the coat of arms of the city of Wismar and the inscription MONETA NOVA WISMARIENSIS – the new coin of Wismar. The reverse (back) shows the denomination 3 pfennig, the date 1799 and FL, the initials of mintmaster Friedrich Lautersack, on a shield. The mintmaster was the person who supervised the work in the coin workshop.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 116907_KMK

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