
Penning, Svealand, Magnus ladulås, 1275–1290

Magnus Ladulås became king in 1275 by overthrowing his elder brother, Valdemar. The initial M on the coins stands for King Magnus. They are all bracteate embossed – struck on one side only – and come in several variants. Some have additional mint marks (small symbols) and can have both a smooth ring and a radial ring around the edge. The silver content is about 82 per cent.

A lead base (a base used when striking coins) was found during archaeological surveys in the Bromsgården district of Örebro in 1978. This bore with traces of the minting of the penning, with an M and a smooth ring. This production waste shows that the variant was at least struck in Örebro . The Örebro mint is also referred to in the will of Magnus Ladulås, which was dated 22 February 1285.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 101485_KMK

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