
Penning, Götaland, Magnus ladulås, 1275–1290

The letter M on this silver penning indicates that Magnus Ladulås was the coin issuer (the authority who issued the coin). He chose his initial in different designs on all of his many coins, both those from Götaland and those from Svealand. M is written on this coin in uncial script, which is common on medieval coins.

Magnus Ladulås was actually called Magnus Birgersson, and he was the son of Birger Jarl and Ingeborg Eriksdotter and younger brother of King Valdemar. He challenged Valdemar, overthrew him in 1275 and took the royal crown for himself.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 101649_KMK

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