
120 daler kopparmynt, Riksens Ständers Wäxel Banco, 1729

What were known as transport notes were introduced in Sweden in 1701. These were a way of transferring money between people. But these banknotes were only successful several years later, after the start of the Age of Liberty (1719–1772).

The Royal Decree of 11 January 1726 states:

“whosoever holds the bank’s transport notes shall therefore receive payment, personally or through an agent, in the land rent chambers and all other crown treasuries on demand, without the slightest delay or deduction, when the notes have been transported to the rent chamber or treasury, and such notes shall be accepted in collections and payments to the crown; …”.

This meant that it became possible to pay taxes with the banknotes, which significantly increased the use of banknotes.

Image rights: Riksens Ständers Wäxel Banco, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 3011994

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