
Penning, Västerås, Albrekt av Mecklenburg, 1364-1389

This bracteate (one-sided) penning was issued by Albrecht of Mecklenburg as King of Sweden. The coin was struck at the Västerås mint in Västmanland. A crowned A on the pennings refers to Västra Aros, the name of the city in those days.

There are a number of similar coins that were made in other places. The coins bearing an S instead of an A were made in Söderköping, and the coins bearing a uncial E were minted in Kalmar. The latter are rare, however, and it is unclear why E refers to Kalmar.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 103320_KMK

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