
1 fyrk, Stockholm, Karl, riksföreståndare, 1601

In 1601, the last silver fyrk in the history of Swedish money were minted. The fyrk on display is one of them.

The first fyrk coins had been minted in 1478 by the governor Sten Sture the Elder. At that time, a fyrk was equal to 4 penning, which was the same as 1/6 öre. In 1523, when Gustav Vasa was king, their value was changed to 6 penning, which was equal to 1/4 öre. After 1534 there was a long pause in minting before the last minting period began in 1575 under King Johan III. It ended in 1601, when King Karl IX was the imperial regent (temporary regent). In 1624, copper francs began to be issued, first as square klippe coins and then as round coins until 1660.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 108681_KMK

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