
1 mark, Västerås, Gustav I Vasa, 1540

Between 1538 and 1540, the mark, 1/2 mark and 2 öre were minted in Västerås. The mark coin was a silver coin worth 8 öre or 192 pennings.

The motif on the obverse (front) is the king in armour with royal attributes such as a crown, sword and an apple. The inscription reads ‘GOSTAVS DG REX SWECIE’, which means ‘Gustav of God's grace, King of Sweden’.

The reverse shows three shields under a royal crown. To the left is a three-crown shield and to the right a shield with the lion of the House of Folkunga. Below is a vase shield, the symbol of the House of Vasa, and on either side the year of minting, 1540. The legend (text) reads ‘BEATVS QVI TIMET DOMINVM’, which can be translated as ‘Blessed is he who fears the Lord’.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 106657_KMK

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