
öre, Avesta, Gustav IV Adolf, 1794

Gustav IV Adolf visited the mint in Avesta as a 16-year-old king. It was the summer of 1794, a couple of years after the assassination of his father, Gustav III. His uncle and guardian, Duke Carl, accompanied him. They were met by coin engraver Carl Erik Norman.

This ½ skilling coin was minted to commemorate the visit. This was our first skilling coin, and our only commemorative coin made of copper. Later, between 1799 and 1802, the Swedish National Debt Office issued tokens in low ½ and ¼ skilling denominations. Only after that did ordinary skilling coins begin to be issued.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 119208_KMK

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