
10 kronor, Hallands Enskilda Bank, 1894

Hallands Enskilda Bank was founded in 1857 and was based in Halmstad. In the early years, the bank issued notes in 5, 10, 50 and 100 riksdaler riksmynt denominations. From 1877, banknotes were issued in 5, 10, 50 and 100-krona denominations as well. The vignette used was the coat of arms of the province of Halland, a lion rampant.

The 10-krona banknote was issued under the fifth charter in 1894. A charter is a period during which the bank is entitled to conduct its business. This banknote was printed at the J. Bagge printing works in Stockholm.

The bank issued banknotes from 1857 to 1894 and gave up its right to issue banknotes in 1902.

Image rights: Hallands Enskilda Bank, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 800720_KMK

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