
1 daler, Svartsjö, Gustav I Vasa, 1542

In 1542, a rebellion led by the farmer Nils Dacke broke out against King Gustav Vasa. That same year, the king moved the mint to his castle in Svartsjö, near Stockholm. The daler trade coin was minted there between 1542 and 1550.

This coin depicts Gustav Vasa in profile, with a short beard and moustache, wearing armour and carrying royal attributes: a crown, a sword and the orb. On the other side is Salvator, the Saviour. Thos coin is usually referred as the Svartsjö daler or the Salvator daler.

We are not sure which artist was responsible for this beautiful silver coin. Engravers: Ulrich of Nuremberg and Erik Olofsson. The Svartsjö mint.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 106730_KMK

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