
10 riksdaler banco, Skånska Priwat-Banken, 1847

Skånska Privat-Banken in Ystad began operating as Sweden’s first commercial bank in 1831 and, as Ystad was a harbour town, it had good connections with the continent. Banknotes in denominations of 2, 3, 5 and 10 riksdaler banco were issued from 1831 and printed by J.O. Österbergs Boktryckeri in Ystad. From 1841, banknotes were printed by C. A. Broling in Stockholm.

The bank took the name Skånes Enskilda Bank in 1856 and was based in Malmö from 1875, and became one of the largest private banks.

The bank issued banknotes from 1833 to 1894 and gave up its right to issue banknotes in 1901.

Image rights: Skånska Priwat-Banken, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 801167_KMK

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