
2 öre, Säter, Gustav II Adolf, 1627

This klippe coin is made using a process known as rolling. In this process, a copper ingot is pulled between two rotating rollers. One roll has dies for the obverse (front) and the other roll has dies for the reverse (back). After the ingot is rolled, it is cut into as many coins as are minted on it.

The method was used between 1625 and 1715. Until 1627, square coins were made and also round coins, until 1715. On the obverse (front) we see Gustav II Adolf's initials and title ‘G(USTAVUS) A(DOLPHUS) R(EX) S(VECIAE)’ - ‘Gustav Adolf King of Sweden’. On the reverse (back) we see the coat of arms of the Vasa family, the vase, as well as the denomination and year of minting.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 109717_KMK

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