
1 mark, Stockholm, Gustav II Adolf, 1617

Gustav II Adolf had mark coins struck between 1613 and 1618. In 1617, two types of the coin were minted. On the first type, the king wears a laurel wreath on his head and on the second he wears a crown. On both types we can read the king's name and title and his motto, ‘GLORIA ALTISSIMO SVORUM REFUGIO’ - ‘Glory be to the Most High, refuge of the wise’.

The coin on display differs from the other coins from 1617 in that the letters of the king's motto are reversed, back to front. It is likely that this is a mistake that was made when engraving the dies for the new type where the king would wear a crown.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 122927_KMK

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