
25 öre, Stockholm, Karl XV, 1862

With the introduction of the riksdaler riksmynt in 1855, where 1 riksdaler riksmynt was divided into 100 öre, 50-, 25- and 10-öre coins were also minted in silver. This 25-öre coin was struck a little later, in 1862, for King Karl XV. Like the first 25-öre coins, it features a portrait of the king by engraver Lea Ahlborn. On the reverse (back), we see the denomination and year within a laurel wreath. After the introduction of the Swedish krona in 1873, 25-öre coins continued to be minted and remained legal tender until 1985.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 117562_KMK

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