
1 öre, Vadstena/Söderköping, Johan av Östergötland,

This coin was struck for Duke Johan of Östergötland, cousin of King Gustav II Adolf. It is unusual for anyone other than the king to be authorised to issue coins, but the great need for cash due to the Kalmar War (1611-1613) led the king to grant the duke the right to mint coins. Johan made his coins in Vadstena and Söderköping between the years 1611 and 1617. The mint, i.e. the place where the coins were made, is not specified. No coins have the year printed on the one-eared coins except those struck in 1617.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 110430_KMK

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