
100 kronor, Aktiebolaget Svenska Kullagerfabriken, 1966-03

AB Svenska Kullagerfabriken (SKF) was founded in 1907 in Gothenburg. Sven Wingquist invented the two-row spherical ball bearing, which was less sensitive to misalignment. Wingquist became SKF's first CEO. He also introduced four days' holiday for employees, pension funds and accident insurance.

The company is characterised by continuous expansion and development, with ever new patents and continued product development. SKF still produces ball bearings, but also lubrication systems, industrial seals and maintenance products. Today, the company has over 40,000 employees, of which just over 3,000 are in Sweden. The company has long been a world leader and has manufacturing in over 20 countries.

Image rights: Aktiebolaget Svenska Kullagerfabriken, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 4533_KMK

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