
ungersk gyllen, Stockholm, Erik XIV, 1568

This 1568 coin is one of the first Swedish gold coins. These coins were issued by King Erik XIV and are commonly known as ungersk gyllen coins.

Erik XIV can be seen on one side, while the other side shows cloudy skies and a sceptre. JEHOVAH is written in Hebrew at the top of the coin, and together with the inscription DAT CVI VULT running around the edge, this forms the motto of Erik XIV: “God gives to whom he will”.

Erik married Karin Månsdotter in the same year as the coin was issued, and his brothers, Dukes Johan and Karl, planned a rebellion against him.

Like the ungerska gyllen, these coins have a gold content of 979/1000, hence the name.

Engraver: Mikael Hohenauer. The Stockholm mint.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 107572_KMK

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