
1 öre, Arboga, Gustav II Adolf, 1627

This coin was made in Arboga. Gustav II Adolf had a new mint established in Arboga in 1626. Just over 100 years earlier, Gustav Vasa, when he was governor of Sweden, had minted one öre coins in the town. Between 1626 and 1627, Gustav II Adolf had klippe coins, square coins, produced in the denomination of one öre. In 1627, production was switched to round coins and up to and including 1628, one öre, half öre and fyrk coins were produced in Arboga. On the reverse of all the coins we can see an eagle, the symbol of the town of Arboga. The mintmasters who worked in Arboga were Caspar Hedwiger and Markus Kock.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 109750_KMK

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