
1/4 daler, Stockholm, Johan III, 1578

This is a so-called ortsdaler. Ort is a medieval term for a quarter of a currency, in this case a daler. After the Swedish currency was devalued, depreciated in relation to other countries' currencies, these small and thick silver coins were minted in Stockholm in 1575, 1578 and 1580. On the obverse (front) we see the king's portrait and the inscription REX – King JOHAN and on the reverse (back) a crowned three-crown shield surrounded by the year 78 and the inscription ‘MONETA NOVA REG(IS) SVEC(IAE)’ – ‘the new coin of the Kingdom of Sweden’.

The 1/8 daler was also minted for one year, 1575, and the same dies were used as for the 1/4 daler in 1575.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3118970

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