
8 mark, Stockholm, Karl XII, 1700

Between the years 1697 and 1704, King Karl XII had 8-mark coins minted. This was the last time the denomination was minted, having been minted intermittently since King Karl IX first struck it in 1609. The 8-mark was sometimes called the ‘dukaton’, which was the name of a large old French coin.

On the obverse (front) of the coin we see Karl XII wearing a wig. In real life, he had stopped wearing a wig by 1700, but on his coins he is depicted without a wig for the first time in 1707. On the reverse (back) is the small coat of arms, the denomination, the mintmaster's mark and the king's motto ‘DOMINUS PROTECTOR MEUS’ - ‘God my protector’.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 114950_KMK

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