
6 2/3 riksdaler banco, Smålands privat bank, 1848

The vignette on this banknote shows the coat of arms of Jönköping, a castle, and the coat of arms of Småland, depicting a lion with a crossbow. At the bottom are two cornucopias filled to the brim with coins.

Smålands Privatbank began operating in 1837 and was based in Jönköping, with branch offices in Kalmar, Växjö and Västervik. One of the first banknote denominations issued by the bank was the 3⅓ riksdaler banco, which was equivalent to 3 riksdaler and 16 skillings, or 5 riksdaler riksgälds. These banknotes were printed by C. A. Broling in Stockholm.

The name Smålands Enskilda Bank was adopted in 1846. It went on to become one of the largest private banks. The bank issued banknotes from 1837 to 1894 and gave up its right to issue banknotes in 1902.

Image rights: Smålands privat bank, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 801258_KMK

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