
1/2 öre, Säter/Nyköping, Gustav II Adolf, 1625

This klippe coin was minted in Säter in what is known as a ‘fallerverk’. After the Säter mint was washed away by the spring flood in May 1625, two German mint masters were brought in to re-establish the mint and resume coin production. The mint masters were the ones who directed the work in the mint.

They then introduced a new minting machine, known as a ‘fallverk (’falling machine‘)’. When minting in such a machine, a weight, a log stamp, is raised to a certain height and then allowed to fall vertically down onto an upper and lower die between which a copper coin blank is placed. This ensures an even and well-centred striking of both the obverse and reverse sides of the coin.

Image rights 1: Helena Bonnevier, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)
Image rights 2: Helena Bonnevier, /SHM ()

Object number: 109616_KMK

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