
Penning, Svealand, Knut Eriksson, 1167–1196

This coin features a highly blurred image that is difficult to assess, with lines and dots. But it is possible to make out a face within a frame with a roof. It depicts a head marked with two eyes and a nose, as on other, simpler Knut Eriksson Svealand pennings.

There are three variants of this coin type, and just as many interpretations of what the motif actually represents. A church with a sloping roof, a tower or maybe a reliquary? Reliquaries were often inspired by the shape of the church building. This specimen was found on the island of Södermalm in Stockholm in 1676.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 100349_KMK

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