
1 daler silvermynt, Kengis, Karl XI, 1675

This plate coin was made in Kengis in Tornedalen, near the border with Finland, at Sweden’s northernmost mint. The copper came from the Svappavaara mine, some 150 kilometres west of Kengis.

The Kengis mint was owned by brothers Abraham and Jacob Renstierna. The centre stamp of the plate coins produced at the mint bears their initials: A I R. 40,000 daler silvermynt coins were produced in Kengis from 1675 until no later than 1715. 1 daler silvermynt plate coins were produced first, followed by 2 daler silvermynt coins.

The mint was destroyed by Russian Cossacks in 1717.

Image rights: Jens Mohr, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 123030_KMK

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