
1 öre, Kalmar, Gustav II Adolf, 1624

This 1 öre coin was struck in Kalmar, where Gustav II Adolf had coins struck in 1623-1627. During the 1620s there was a great shortage of silver after Sweden had to pay 1 million riksdaler to Denmark in 1616-1619 to regain Älvsborg, which was Sweden's only harbour to the west. The modest silver coinage amounted to the minting of 4-mark coins in Stockholm for two years and for the rest of the decade only 1- and 2-öre coins were struck in Kalmar and 1-öre coins in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Norrköping.

On the coin we can read on the obverse and reverse (front and back) ‘MONETA NOVA 1 OR CIVITATIS CALMAR’ - ‘The new coin of the city of Kalmar’.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 109515_KMK

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