
1 öre, Göteborg, Karl IX, 1609

This coin was minted in Gothenburg in 1609. The city had been founded on the island of Hisingen just a few years earlier, in 1607. To promote the new city, it was given the privilege of minting both gold and silver coins in land and penny coinage. The revenue from the coinage was to be shared with the king. During the period 1609-1611, 6-gold mark, 2-öre and 1-öre coins were struck.

The fact that the coin was minted in Gothenburg is evident from both the legend (text) and the coat of arms with the ‘Göta Lion’ on the reverse of the coin. This is the same coat of arms that Gothenburg still uses today. The fact that it is the city's first mint can be read on the obverse of MONETA PRIMA - the first coin.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 109044_KMK

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