
Penning, Sigtuna, Olof Skötkonung, circa 1000–1020

This coin was made in Sigtuna but is very similar to English coins. It even bears the name of the King of England. The inscription “EDELRED REX ANGL” means “Ethelred King of England”. The person who made the die (a tool used to mint coins) has imitated English coins. This type of coin is known as a “Helmet”. These were inspired by Roman coins, as you can mainly tell from the helmet’s neck guard.

Most Scandinavian Helmet coins are so similar that they were probably made by the same person, known as the “Helmet Master”. The die for this coin was probably made in Lund and then taken to Sigtuna.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Historiska museet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 119508_KMK

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