
2 öre, Stockholm, Erik XIV, 1567

The lowest denominations of King Erik XIV were 2 öre, 1 öre and 1/2 öre. The coins, like all Erik's coins, were struck in Stockholm where Jost Höjer was the mintmaster. A mint master was the person who supervised coin production and was responsible for the correct weight and metal content of the coins. After Jost Höjer, his son Hans Höjer took over the job.

Jost was the son of king Gustav Vasa's sister, Margareta Vasa, in her second marriage to the German Count Johan of Hoya. After first working as a goldsmith, Jost became a master coiner in Stockholm in 1556.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 107550_KMK

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