
1/8 riksdaler, Stockholm, Adolf Fredrik, 1767

This coin shows the head portrait type, which became the most common type of portrait after Adolf Fredrik became King of Sweden. “Head” means that the king is depicted from the head down to the neck. In the past, the most common type of portrait was what is known as a bust portrait, in which the king is depicted from the head to part of the chest.

Daniel Fehrman was the engraver who created Adolf Fredrik’s first portrait, and the engraver who made the coin you see here was Fehrman’s son, Carl Gustaf Fehrman.

Coins with the 1/8 riksdaler denomination were only minted under King Adolf Fredrik between 1767 and 1768.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 116528_KMK

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