
2 daler silvermynt, Stockholm, Gustav III, 1776

2 daler silver coins, or 2/3 riksdaler, were only minted under King Gustav III. Counted in öre, the coin was worth 64 öre, since 1 riksdaler or 3 daler was divided into 96 öre. The king is depicted on the coin with a type of portrait depicting the head down to the neck, which became popular under Gustav III's father Adolf Fredrik. The engraver was Gustaf Ljungberger and the mintmaster (head of the mint) was Olof Lidijn. Both were employed at the Royal Mint in Stockholm. Olof was the longest serving mintmaster in Sweden. He took up his post in 1773 and held it until 1819, which means that he was mintmaster for 46 years.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 116622_KMK

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