
Penning, unknown mint, Magnus Eriksson 1354–1363

This is probably a penning dating back to the end of the reign of King Magnus Eriksson. The two opposing crowns on the coin suggest the monetary union of Sweden and Norway. The silver content of the coin is very low.

This type of coin always features a letter (B, C/G, E, I, N, O or T) or a cross between the crowns, all within a smooth ring. What the letters mean is unclear, but they probably indicate different issue dates.

This particular specimen bears the letter O. A similar coin was found in a purse that was found in a grave after the battle of Visby in the summer of 1361, and so it should have been struck before that year.

A large hoard buried at the same time was found in Närke.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 102735_KMK

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