
1 daler silvermynt, Avesta, Karl XII, 1715

This piece of plate money has a so-called counterstamp, or re-stamping, next to its centre stamp. The centre stamp says that the coin is worth 1 daler silver coin, but the counterstamp tells us that the value of the plate has been increased to 1 1/2 daler silver coin. The reason for the increase in value was a new coinage act that came into force on 17 May 1715 which stipulated that the weight of plate money should be reduced by one third. The older plate money produced before 17 May, which the plate money on display is, thus became more valuable than the new lighter plate money and was therefore struck with a 50% higher denomination.

Image rights: Jens Mohr, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3045298

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