
18 penning, Hedemora, Söderköping, Västerås, Gustav I Vasa, 1521

The coin in the display case is of the denomination skilling or 18 penningar klippe. The mint locations for this denomination are uncertain. They were probably minted in Hedemora and Söderköping and possibly also in Västerås. The denomination has the value of 18 penningar but was in reality worth only 2 penningar. The denomination has no year but was probably minted between 1521-1523. On the obverse (front), the governor is shown in armour and with a sword. The reverse shows a three-crowned shield with crossed valley arrows. The lower angle shows a G and the other angles a crown. There is a circle of pearls around the shield.
Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 106028_KMK

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