
1/2 daler silvermynt, Avesta, Karl XII, 1710

When this piece of plate money was made in Avesta in 1710, it was worth ½ daler silver coin. To the right of the centre stamp, which reads 1/2 daler silver coin, we see a smaller stamp that reads 3/4 daler silver coin 1718. This is a so-called counterstamp that shows that the coin's denomination was changed to a higher denomination. The reason was that the plate money produced according to the 1709 coinage regulations weighed more than those produced according to the 1715 coinage regulations. In order to show the true value of the older plate money in relation to the younger coins, the higher value of the older plate money was counterstamped.

The extra stamp gave them a 50% higher value than that originally stamped on the plate money. 1/2 daler silver coin, minted before 1715, thus became worth 3/4 daler silver coin.

Image rights: Jens Mohr, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 123056_KMK

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