
Penning, Birger Magnusson 1290–1318

Birger Magnusson succeeded his father, Magnus Ladulås, as king in 1290, at ten years of age. Götaland and Svealand had a common coinage standard during Birger’s reign. Before that, pennings from Götaland and Svealand were worth different amounts.

Birger was the first person to mint pennings with motifs on both sides and half-pennings, all with a crown on the obverse (front). The style is completely new compared to previously. The crown symbolises the king and royal power.

The other side shows letters – B, E, I, L, M, O, R, S and W. We do not know what the letters stand for. M may be the last coin of the father, Magnus Ladulås, and B may stand for the son, Birger, and both may have been minted in 1290 as the first pennings in the series.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 101890_KMK

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