
Örtug, Stockholm, Erik av Pommern, 1396–1439

This örtug was issued by Erik of Pomerania, who was King of the Union of Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The coin shows a crowned head on one side and an E (for Erik) on a cross on the other. The inscription reads ERICVS REX and MONETA STOCHOL.

In 1696, a large hoard was found inside an altar in Bollnäs parish church in Hälsingland. This hoard included around 3,000 örtugs, 254 of which were of the same type as the coin you see here. The find is the largest known hoard of King Erik’s örtugs found to date.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 103767_KMK

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