
Penning, Svealand, Magnus ladulås, 1275–1290

These are the most ornate of Magnus Ladulås’s Svealand pennings, with a radial ring and the letter M in uncial script (a style of writing). This specimen has seven pearls above the letter and a star below it. The silver content is about 77 per cent.

Magnus Ladulås reigned for 15 years, from 1275 to 1290, when he died on the island of Visingsö. He left a will in Skara dated 22 February 1285, in which he writes that large gifts in various directions were to be paid from the revenues of eight mints, four in Götaland and four in Svealand.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 101537_KMK

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