
10 öre, Stockholm, Fredrik I, 1743

Between 1739 and 1764, 10-øre coins were minted in silver, which used to be called ‘double pjäs’ (double piece) or 12 styver. The word ‘pjäs’ comes from the French pièce, meaning piece and part. Five öre was called a single pjäs. The value of the 10 öre coin was raised to 12 öre. So even though it said 10 öre on it, it was worth 12 öre. But instead of calling it 12 öre, they said 12 styver. The 5-öre coin was called 6 styver.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 116067_KMK

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