
Gyllen, Stockholm, Sten Sture d.y., 1512

Of the three types of large coins issued during the governorship of Sten Sture the Younger (1512–1520), these were the most decorated. Few surfaces of the coin remain untouched. We see Erik the Saint, dressed in a cloak and battle armour with a halo around his crowned head. In his hands, he is holding a sword and the orb. His status as a saint and protector of the Swedish kingdom and people is clear.

With the liberation of Sweden by Gustav Vasa and the advent of the Reformation, the Cult of St Erik – which had flourished during the Union period of 1389–1523 – was suppressed and eventually disappeared. So the coins dating back to the time of Sten Sture are the last ones to depict Erik as King of Sweden.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3121168

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