
Penning, Götaland, Valdemar Birgersson, 1250–1275

This penning bearing a crowned lion’s head in profile comes in many variants, always with a crown on the head. They date back to the reign of King Valdemar, 1250–1275.

Archaeological surveys in Lödöse in 1968 found coin production underlays (the base used when striking one-sided coins) made of leather that were used to make at least one of the coins bearing a crowned lion’s head.

Many pennings bearing a lion’s head, both with and without a crown, were part of a large silver hoard found by a farmer and his mother at Brunnsgården, Östergötland in 1786.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 100692_KMK

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