
10 dukat, Elbing, Karl X Gustav, 1658

During King Karl X Gustav’s Polish War, between 1655 and 1660, Sweden occupied the former Hanseatic town of Elbing, which is now known as Elblág and is situated in modern-day Poland. The city had previously been occupied by Sweden between 1626 and 1636 and would be occupied again between 1703 and 1710.

Both the city and the Swedish crown issued coins in Elbing. The city’s mint (coin workshop) minted ducats and riksdalaer, and small denominations were minted at the Swedish crown’s mint. They were often debased, which means that the silver had been mixed with copper.

The coins issued by the city during the Swedish occupation bear the name, portrait or coat of arms of the Swedish sovereign on the obverse (front), and on the reverse (back) the inscription “MONETA NOVA CIVITATIS ELBINGENSIS” in Latin, which mean “the new coin of the city of Elbing”.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 111893_KMK

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