
3 riksdaler banco, Östgöta bank, 1839

Östergötlands Enskilda Bank began operating in Linköping in 1837, at that time under the name Öst-Göta Bank. The name was changed to Östgöta Enskilda Bank after a decade. The first banknotes issued by the bank were in riksdaler banco and bore with the coat of arms of the province of Östergötland as a vignette. This banknote is one of the oldest and was printed by C.A. Broling in Stockholm.

The name Östergötlands Enskilda Bank was established in 1857. That year, the bank faced competition from Norrköpings Enskilda Bank and Wadstena Enskilda Bank in the county. This is why LINKÖPING appears in capitals on banknotes in riksdaler riksmynt and kronor.

“Östgötabanken” issued banknotes from 1837 to 1894 and gave up its right to issue banknotes in 1902.

Image rights: Östgöta bank, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 802255_KMK

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