
1/2 mark, Västerås, Gustav I Vasa, 1540

Between 1538 and 1540, the mark, ½ mark and 2 öre were minted in Västerås.½ mark was worth 4 öre or 96 penning.

The motif on the obverse (front) is the king in armour with royal attributes such as the crown, sceptre and orb.The inscription on the obverse (front) reads ‘GOSTAVS D G REX SWECIE’, ‘Gustav of God's grace King of Sweden’. The reverse shows a crowned shield with three crowns around a vase (a sheaf of grain). The vase is a symbol of the Vasa family. The inscription reads: ‘DOMINI EST TERRA’ which means ‘The Lord is the Earth’ and the year 1540. The coin is perforated and may have been used as jewellery.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 106690_KMK

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