
1/2 penning, Birger Magnusson, 1290–1318

Birger Magnusson was just ten years old when he became King of Sweden. The person who actually ruled the country was his guardian, Lord High Constable (an official responsible for the military) Torgils Knutsson.

During the period of regency government in the late 13th century, a coinage reform was conducted and a uniform coinage standard was introduced for Svealand and Götaland. Previously, the Götaland pennings had been worth half as much as the Svealand pennings. The pennings from Götaland were replaced by minted half-pennings that were valid throughout the kingdom.

Just like the old pennings, the half-pennings have a crown on the obverse (front). The reverse (back) of the few obols we know of show the letters I, L, M, R or S. This special type of coin ceased to exist when Birger was deposed from the throne in 1318.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3045138

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