
Stockholms läns sparbank, 1862

The western main line was completed in 1862, allowing trains to travel between Stockholm and Gothenburg. At the same time, the American Civil War was raging across the Atlantic. Industrialisation had not yet really taken off in Sweden, which was an impoverished country on the fringes of Europe.

Stockholms läns sparbank was founded that same year. The organisation operated out of premises at Drottninggatan 36 in the early days. In 1871, the bank moved to Drottninggatan 39, a structure that had been rebuilt to the designs of Carl Nestor Söderberg. This building was demolished a long time ago. In 1955, the bank changed its name to Länssparbanken Stockholm.

Uniquely for Sweden, the savings banks developed into credit institutions that operated independently and became as important as commercial banks and building societies.

In 1960, Länssparbanken Stockholm moved to Klarabergsvägen 25, and in 1978 the bank became Sparbanken Stockholm.

Image rights: Stockholms läns sparbank, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 3101239

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