
Penning, Stockholm, Magnus Eriksson, 1354–1363

A new coin type was introduced under King Magnus Eriksson in 1354. These were one-sided pennings, known as bracteates, bearing the letters E, L, S or a royal crown. The version with a royal crown was the most common one. Around the letter or the crown is a kind of ring known as a radial ring. The coins might also bear mint marks (other symbols).

A silver hoard was found in 1910 during excavations in a garden in Lunna in the parish of Hammar in Närke. This hoard included just over 4,500 pennings from the last decade of King Magnus Eriksson’s reign. Most of them were coins with a radial ring around a letter or a royal crown.

The radial ring bracteates bearing a crown are believed to have been minted in Stockholm.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 102649_KMK

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