
100 kronor, Kockums Mekaniska verkstads AB, 1963-10-01

Share in AB Kockums Mekaniska Verkstads Aktiebolag from 1964.

The company's history began in Malmö in the 1820s, when the Kockum family was engaged in trade and tobacco growing. The mechanical workshop was completed in 1841, and production was initially focused on agricultural implements. From 1859, Kockums also manufactured railway carriages. In 1870, a shipyard was established at Malmö harbour, where all operations were later moved.

In addition to naval vessels, bridges, sugar mill equipment and steam boilers were also manufactured. After the First World War, shipbuilding increased and expansion continued into the 1970s when the shipbuilding crisis struck. After changes of ownership, restructuring and other changes during the 1980s until today, the company is now part of Saab's business area ‘Security and Defence Solutions’ under the name Saab Kockums AB.

Image rights: Kockums Mekaniska verkstads AB, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 4075_KMK

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