
Ångfartygsbolaget in Uppsala Share certificate, 1841

The widow Emelie Forsberg registered in 1844 as a shareholder in Ångfartygsbolaget, the steamship company, in Uppsala, for a sum equivalent to 100 riksdaler banco (1 share). A seemingly good deal if we look at the notes on page two. They show that the share dividend was between 6 and 8 per cent annually for the next ten years. But the widow only took part of the first year's dividend. As early as 1845, the shares were transferred to a Mademoiselle Ebba Bergström.

Image rights: Upland Ångfartygs Bolaget i Upsala, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 6203_KMK

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