
Penny, England, Ethelred II, circa 991–997

This is a Crux type coin from England. This type of coin provided a model for the first Swedish coinage.

The English coins came to the Nordic countries through trade and looting. Contemporary records show that England paid large sums of money (Danegeld), mainly to Danish Vikings, so that they wouldn’t be looted. The Danegeld in year 994 AD amounted to around 16,000 pounds, which was equivalent to 5,600 kilos of silver. At this time the Crux type was in use in England.

The Danish king Sven Forkbeard conquered England in 1013. He spent less than a year on the English throne, but his son Canute the Great returned and became King of England in 1018.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3151204

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