
450 daler kopparmynt, Riksens Ständers Banco, 1682-05-17

This is what was known as a bookkeeper’s note, bokhållerisedel, which was made out to Mons Zachrisson. Bookkeeper’s notes were issued by the bookkeeper at the bank when someone submitted an assignation note, a kind of cheque. The customer would then leave the banknote at the bank’s cash desk in order to get their coins.

But just as customers often used the assignation notes (cheques) as a means of payment, the same happened with bookkeeper’s notes. As such, these too came to be used as banknotes and so belong to the varied group of banknote substitutes.

Image rights: Riksens Ständers Banco, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 3102119

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